Kate Lewis processes the news via intricate botanical collages created directly from newsprint.

“This all started Spring 2018 when I could not take any more news. I was going about my daily domestic life: walking the dog, doing a food shop, watching the seasons change while bombs are going off and disasters are happening that I have no relation to or control over.”

Kate found herself—quite literally—dissecting the news; going back to basics with scissors, newspaper, and glue as a way of processing the state of world affairs. What began as a calming act of low-tech creativity has resulted in a beautifully multilayered and subconscious fusion of nature, current events, design and media.

The flower—a fleeting beauty—signifies places and seasons. They are present for all of our major life events: births, deaths, weddings, birthdays.

At first glance, you see a beautiful image of a flower, but upon closer examination the story emerges—fragmented pieces of history, staccato words, a familiar font, a sly bit of irony, the symbolism of the bloom.


Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors

